Friday, August 26, 2011

A Texan's Perspective

As for Perry, I believe most "thinking" conservatives don't care much for him. He is similar to Bush 2 but not as smart, not as compassionate, more strident and unyielding in his positions. He does not know how to translate politics into policy -- much of his legislation has been more harmful than helpful and ususally revolves around some benefit to his supporters.
I believe most folks would honestly say the Texas economy has thrived in spite of Rick Perry rather than because of Rick Perry and there are some underlying problems in our economy that will arise in the long run based on the leadership he has provided.
I believe Bush 2 for the most part tried to do the right thing for the common good whereas Perry just does what is good for Perry and his friends. Perry's leadership the past several years has been in pursuit of his political ambitions, not what's best for Texas.
Perry claims to be a Christian, but best I can tell that's just part of his political persona.
Perry has never lost an election and he slings a lot of mud. He has a slew of wealthy and powerful backers so not sure I would count him out just yet.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trial and Error

"Trial and error isn't a bad way to learn how to build an aircraft, but it can be a disastrous way to learn how to build a civilization."  -- Daniel Quinn, "Ishmael."

Democracy is an experiment derived from the idea that all men (and women) are created equal and so should have an equal right to the determination of how their society should function.  At what point though did the representatives of the Republic determine that the democracy wanted and was willing to accept the idea that the institution empowered to administer the bureaucracy of the people would now become the provider for the people.

This is a trial that has resulted in grave error and possibly the downfall of the Republic.

All people deserve equality of opportunity, but we cannot allow our government to dictate that all results be equal.  It is time for people to take responsibility for themselves and the outcome they derive from their resources and efforts.

The fruit of the people's labor should, to the greatest extent possible, be left to the people's determination of how the fruit should be consumed.  Common resources should be deployed as close to the source of origination as possible and at the discretion of those who produced the resources.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


There is a tension between individual liberty and collective morality.  When people choose to live together in society, their is an implied social contract that considers the juxtaposition of the complete and total liberty of the individual within the context of a need for societal cohesion.  Each individual within the society needs to consider his or her position within that society and its collective cohesion.

When the individual feels that society has limited his or her freedom beyond what is tolerable, then the individual should have the right to secede from that society.  However, in order to foster a society that is open to a large membership, such as a city, state or country, the society should attempt to maximize the freedoms of the individual, including morals, values and standards.

This must be in keeping though with the idea of self-control and the idea that no harm can be done to another in the pursuit of individual freedom.  Libertarianism is not the same as libertinism.

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.  1 Corinthians 10:23

Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.  1 Peter 2:16

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Minarchist


Wikipedia defines Minarchism as follows:

Minarchism (sometimes called minimal statism,[1] small government, or limited-government libertarianism[2]) is a libertarian political ideology which maintains that the state's only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression, theft, breach of contract, and fraud.[2][3].  

The goal of this blog is to educate as to and extol the virtues of limited government.  It is my believe that our originally intended limited constitutional government has grown into an unlimited statist beauracracy with the unlimited power to impinge and infringe upon the God-given freedoms we were created with.

This has been accomplished by a self-perpetuating political system that takes money from the citizens and redistributes it as it desires.  Along the way the politicians build their own power and limit the ability of the people to replace them, while at the same type distributing dole to those who will continue to support their power structure and status quo.

Our government needs to be severly limited in scope, size, revenue generation and spending ability.  The course we are on is unsustainable and will lead to the enslavement of the American people.

  • [1]^ a b c Rob Miller. An introduction to minarchism. Homeland Stupidity.

  • [2]^ a b c d Marcus, B.K. Dictionary: Definition of "minarchism"

  • [3]^ Gregory, Anthory.The Minarchist's Dilemma. Strike The Root. 10 May 2004.